Package simulation

Class Population


public class Population
extends java.lang.Object
Population of all species present in current epoch.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Population​(int fastPopulationSize, int slowPopulationSize, Vector slowPopulationMemberDiameters, Vector fastPopulationMemberDiameters)
    Generate new population with given slow and fast population member size and their diameters.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void checkForNewEpoch()
    Check if a new epoch should be started, if yes, start one.
    void drawPopulation​(javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext gc)
    Draw on the screen all alive members of the population.
    void movePopulation()
    Move all alive members of the population.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Population

      public Population​(int fastPopulationSize, int slowPopulationSize, Vector slowPopulationMemberDiameters, Vector fastPopulationMemberDiameters)
      Generate new population with given slow and fast population member size and their diameters.
      fastPopulationSize - number of fast species.
      slowPopulationSize - number of slow species.
      slowPopulationMemberDiameters - diameters of slow species.
      fastPopulationMemberDiameters - diameters of fast species.
  • Method Details

    • checkForNewEpoch

      public void checkForNewEpoch()
      Check if a new epoch should be started, if yes, start one.
    • movePopulation

      public void movePopulation()
      Move all alive members of the population.
    • drawPopulation

      public void drawPopulation​(javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext gc)
      Draw on the screen all alive members of the population.
      gc - JavaFx object of class class used to issue draw calls to a Canvas using a buffer.