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setDead(boolean) - Method in class simulation.PopulationMember
Set whether this object is dead or not.
setDna(Dna) - Method in class simulation.PopulationMember
Set this objects Dna to be different.
setFitness(double) - Method in class simulation.PopulationMember
Set fitness value to be different.
setHeight(int) - Method in class simulation.PopulationMember
Set render height of this object.
setNaturalDead(boolean) - Method in class simulation.PopulationMember
Set natural death of this population member.
setVector(Vector) - Method in class simulation.Vector
Set vector values to be equal to other vector.
setVelocity(Vector) - Method in class simulation.Movable
Set velocity of the object.
setWidth(int) - Method in class simulation.PopulationMember
Set this population member render width.
setX(double) - Method in class simulation.Vector
Set value x of this vector.
setY(double) - Method in class simulation.Vector
Set value y of this vector.
simulation - package simulation
SlowPopulationMember - Class in simulation
Class describing behaviour of slow PopulationMember.
SlowPopulationMember(PopulationMember, PopulationMember) - Constructor for class simulation.SlowPopulationMember
Create new object from crossover of 2 already existing objects.
SlowPopulationMember(Vector) - Constructor for class simulation.SlowPopulationMember
Creates new SlowPopulationMember object with given diameters.
start(Stage) - Method in class simulation.Main
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