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Dna - Class in simulation
Represents genetic information of species
Dna(double) - Constructor for class simulation.Dna
Generate completely new Dna object filled with random values.
Dna(Dna, Dna) - Constructor for class simulation.Dna
Create a new Dna object from crossover of other already existing Dna objects.
draw(GraphicsContext) - Method in interface simulation.Drawable
Function required to draw spmething on the screen.
draw(GraphicsContext) - Method in class simulation.FastPopulationMember
draw(GraphicsContext) - Method in class simulation.Obstacle
draw(GraphicsContext) - Method in class simulation.SlowPopulationMember
Drawable - Interface in simulation
Interface specifying ability to draw.
drawPopulation(GraphicsContext) - Method in class simulation.Population
Draw on the screen all alive members of the population.
DrawTask - Class in simulation
Specifies actions required for a simulation to be drawn and ran properly.
DrawTask(GraphicsContext, Population, ArrayList<Obstacle>) - Constructor for class simulation.DrawTask
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