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getAcceleration() - Method in class simulation.Dna
Get the acceleration vector of this dna object.
getDna() - Method in class simulation.PopulationMember
Get this species genetic information in form of an Dna object.
getFitness() - Method in class simulation.PopulationMember
Get the fitness of this object.
getHeight() - Method in class simulation.PopulationMember
Get this population member render height.
getInitialVelocity() - Static method in class simulation.PopulationMember
Get this objects initial velocity.
getObstacles() - Static method in class simulation.PopulationMember
Get an ArrayList of all obstacles that are seen by this population member.
getStartCoordinates() - Static method in class simulation.PopulationMember
Get this species start coordinates.
getVelocity() - Method in class simulation.Movable
Get the velocity of an object.
getWidth() - Method in class simulation.PopulationMember
Get this population member render width.
getX() - Method in class simulation.Vector
Get value x of this vector.
getY() - Method in class simulation.Vector
Get value y of this vector.
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